About Neurozan

About Neurozan

About Neurozan

packshotNeurozan is a unique combination of 27 vital pro-brain nutrients includes Phosphatidyl serine, Phosphatidyl choline, 5-HTP, Ginkgo Biloba & vitamin D3 along with essential multinutrients, Multivitamins & antioxidants. After extensive research Neurozan is developed to address Stress, Anxiety & Depression-The major cause of worry in India.

As you know India is one of the fastest growing countries in the world but, as per study conducted by the global watchdogs, it was found that around 9% of people in India reported having an extended period of depression within their lifetime, around 36% suffered from major depressive episode (MDE).

Hence to combat above issue we are very proud to introduce UK’s no.1 brain performance formula “Neurozan” which will add smile in life of those who are stuffed with Stress, Anxiety & Depression.

Neurozan is well proven brain performance formula in UK.